Lori Jo Siegel     Singer-Songwriter

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Lori Jo Siegel - Singer/Songwriter


Singer-songwriter Lori Jo Siegel has just released her debut CD, Circles of Love.   As a child, Lori Jo wrote kooky ditties about people and animals, and performed them for family and friends.  At the age of twelve, while at sleepaway camp, she learned guitar from a bunk mate.   Since that day she has written dozens of well-crafted songs in her own fun and disarmingly honest style.

Lori Jo has performed at the Falcon, a live music venue in Marlboro, NY, at local festivals, and at 'open mic' events in Westchester County.  Most notably, Lori Jo once gave an epic performance of her stunning ballad, 'AND THEY TOOK', about the misfortunes of Native Americans, live on a Thanksgiving special on WBAI radio, NYC.

When not writing or creating music she works as an Early Childhood teacher, tutor and teacher/facilitator in Creative Journal Expressive Arts created by Lucia Capacchione.  She also works at local libraries and schools teaching art, sewing and a developmentally appropriate music program for infants through the elementary ages called Music & Movement with Lori Jo.  Lori Jo loves God, nature, animals, doing art of all kinds, sewing, embroidering, making dolls, traveling to the Middle East, cooking and eating.  Circles of Love was recorded in Poughkeepsie NY with Grammy award-winning engineer, Jonathan Dickau.


Updated March 13, 2024